
Importance of mushroom

From the ancient age it is believed that mushrooms has quiet a lot of nutritive elements in it, due to it its importance has been inclined every day. The nutritive elements like Proteins, vitamins, minerals etc which are very effective for our body can be found inside the mushrooms which can cure the malnutrition in human. The elements in a mushroom varies from the species of mushroom. The basic elements inside a mushroom can be:
In the context of a mushroom, proteins are likely 30%-40% in volume which is found to be less than that of meat, so that it can be useful for the patients of uric acid. Also it has higher amount than that of milk and vegetables which helps the children to grow and keep the aged people more healthy.

Mushrooms has a variety of vitamins in it such as vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitaminB3, vitaminB5, vitamin B9 and vitamin H, which are very useful for the patients of cholesterol.

Since mushrooms do not have fats and contains a large quantity of water, it can be considered as the best food for the patients of Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.

Mushrooms  do not have high amount of carbohydrates as in rice, potatoes  etc, and therefore  can be used by the patients of Sugar and High Blood Pressure.
Mushrooms has a high amount of minerals like Potassium, Phosphorous, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, etc, which helps in the development of a young children’s as well as helps in curing the disease of the joint ache in old age.
It has a high amount of folic acids compared to other meat and vegetables and therefore useful for the patient suffering from anaemia.
Also sodium is found very less amount in it resulting a good food for the High Blood Pressure and Heart Patients.

The Ingredients of mushrooms can be summarised as below.
Amino  Acid                             Amount (gram per 100gm protein)
Leucine                                                                    3.5
Isoleucine                                                                5.5
Valine                                                                       6.8
Tryptoplane                                                            1.1
Lysine                                                                       4.3
Histidine                                                                  2.1
Phenylalamine                                                        4.9
Threonine                                                                4.2
Arginine                                                                   4.1
Methionine                                                              0.9

Protien, Vitamin, Mineral.
Content                                             Units                    Quantity per 100gm fresh wt.
Moisture                             gm                                        90.40
Fat                                        gm                                        0.25      
Protein                                gm                                        3.90
Crude Fibre                        gm                                        1.87
Ash                                      gm                                        1.10
Phosphorous                      gm                                        0.10
Potassium                           gm                                        0.32
Iron                                      Mg                                       1.70
Calcium                                             Mg                                       5.60
Thiamine                            Mg                                       0.14
Riboflavin                          Mg                                       0.61
Niacin                                 Mg                                       2.40
Ascorbic acid                     Mg                                       18.00

Medicinal values of mushrooms
 There are about 7000 species of mushrooms in which about 100 of them are eatable.  And they are taken as a form of medicines by the scientists. It is used to cure the diseases like High Blood Pressure, Anaemia, su.gar, breast and lung disease, cancer etc. Mushrooms has a group of compounds which acts on immune system of a human. The compounds like folic acid can be used to cure anaemia.
Some of the species of mushrooms like Gyanoderma a red coloured mushroom is used as to make a medicinal capsule and even used from preventing from HIV as this capsule provides the immune  power  to the body.