Production of button mushroom
It is also named as white button as it is like a shape of button of clothes. Its scientific name is Agaricus. It was initially started by France and then later on started by many other countries, now available all around the world.
It can be grown on hilly as well as on the plain areas, but it is essential to understand the surrounding. In the context of hilly areas normally, if the compost is made ready in the month of June- July, the harvesting can be done in the month of September, whereas if it is made in the month of October- November the crop can be yielded in the month of Jan. Similar to that in the context of the plain areas, the compost is made in the month of September – October and harvested in the month of December.
Materials required
1. Straw
2. Urea
3. Ammonium sulphate
4. Super phosphate
5. D.A.P
6. Lime
7. Spawn
1. Formalin (Formaldehyde)
2. Nuwan (insecticide)
3. Derosal
4. Wooden frame
5. Sprayer
6. Shovel
7. Straw cutter
The following composts can be made for the production of a button mushroom.
Compost A.
S no. | Raw materials | Quantity | Period |
1. | Straw | 1000 kg | First day |
2. | Urea | 5 kg | The second day, by mixing both of them |
3. | Ammonium sulphate | 20 kg | |
4. | Super phosphate | 7 kg | In the second turn over |
5. | Lime | 30 kg | Fourth turn over |
6. | insecticide | | Sixth turn over |
Compost B
S no. | Raw materials | Quantity | Period |
1. | Straw | 1000 kg | First day |
2. | Urea | 5 kg | The second day, by mixing both of them |
3. | Ammonium sulphate | 16 kg | |
4. | D.A.P | 7 kg | In the second turn over |
5. | Lime | 30 kg | Fourth turn over |
6. | insecticide | | Sixth turn over |
Compost C
S no. | Raw materials | Quantity | Period |
1. | Straw | 1000 kg | First day |
2. | Urea | 11.5kg | The second day. |
3. | D.A.P | 7 kg | In the second turn over |
4. | Lime | 30 kg | Fourth turn over |
5. | insecticide | | Sixth turn over |
Compost D
S no. | Raw materials | Quantity | Period |
1. | Straw | 1000 kg | First day |
2. | Hens compost | 150 kg | The second day |
3. | D.A.P | 7 kg | In the second turn over |
4. | Lime | 30 kg | Fourth turn over |
5. | insecticide | | Sixth turn over |
These were the compost that can be used for the production of the button mushroom.
For the successful production of mushroom, the following points should be considered.
1. Preparation of a good compost
2. Cleanliness of a room should be maintained.
3. Arrangement of a compost.
4. Keeping right amount of spawn.
5. Treatment of mud.
6. Harvesting.
Production of a compost.
It should made in such a place that the place should be protected from sun as well as rain, i.e. under a roof not in an open place. It should be turned over in the ratio of 1:4 days and should be turned 8 times. First of all the straw should be weighted and then cut into pieces and then kept for 24 hours after it is dipped into the water. It should kept in such a manner so that it forms a big loaf. Make sure that the water doesn’t flows after arrangement. We can use a 5*5 feet wooden frame in order to arrange a big loaf. After, put 5 kg of urea and 20 kg of Ammonium sulphate is mixed in the straw. This is kept in order to maintain the ratio of carbon and nitrogen through urea and ammonium sulphate. Their respective ratios are 46% and 20% in each fertilizer. These helps the bacteria’s to decay the straw very easily. Now it is turned over 8 times in the following ways which take about 35-40 days.
a. First turn over:
The straw of the loaf is now turned for the first time in the fourth day, the wooden frame is taken and kept in the ground and all the straws are mixed together. Do not mix anything at the moment. This process is called microbial processes in which the temperature should be around 50-70°C. all the straws kept before is arranged using a wooden frame and arranged to other side thus making a big loaf.
b. Second turn over
This is done in the tenth day. As recommended, mix ammonium phosphate of 21kg and spray it layer by layer of approx. 1 feet. Or you can put D.A.P of 7kg as well.
c. Third turn over
After 4 days and do not keep anything.
d. Fourth turn over
This process is again done after four days in which the addition of the agricultural lime is used of about 30kg. this helps to maintain the pH of the compost.
e. Fifth turn over
Done after respective 4 days and no need to put anything this time. You can pour some water if needed. Careful the compost becomes very hot this time.
f. Sixth turn over
Again after 4 days but at this time some insecticides like Nuvan 1ml, Derosal 0.5 gm etc. in the volume of 1 litre water. Make the solution of 20 lt. and spray it all over the compost. This helps to kill all the insects all over the compost.
g. Seventh turn over
After 4 days respectively and no need to put anything in this turn as well.
h. Eighth turn over
Done after the period of 28 days. At this time the compost becomes ready which is blackish in colour. At this time the humidity of thus formed compost should be 70% and the pH should be in the range of 7-7.5. If there becomes an excess amount of water in the compost it should be further turned over one or two times is order to maintain the water in it.
Now it is taken in the room tin order to arrange them in an entire row. This time the smell of ammonia should not be there and a good smell should be there instead. Use pH paper to calculate pH.
The room in which we are assuming to produce mushroom should be made very clean, you can use a kind of insecticide in order to maintain cleanliness. Now after a day of cleaning, make a row of a compost with a height of 4” and spread mushroom spawns followed by the layer of height 2” above it so that the total height of the column becomes 6”. Make sure that the compost is kept tightly i.e. you can use a wooden board in order to compress it.
It is estimated that in 1000 kg of compost 20 packets of spawns having a weight of 250gm is consumed. Now it is covered by a thin paper and a spray with insecticide can be sprayed over it. Make the temperature of room about 25°C and try to make the room darker. After about 20 days the entire column is filled with white fungus and is ready for casing.
Preparation of a casing mud.
After 11th day of the compost is arranged, casing is done. For this soil is taken from the land under the depth 6-12 inches. For this 100 kg of soil is mixed with 2 kg of lime.
The soil is made very thin and then kept in a place. It is then treated with an insecticide in order to take the insects out of there. It is then covered with a plastic for about 72 hours and then turned over. Make sure the mud is not wet and the pH should be 7.5 – 8. The column inside the room is then covered by this mud with the height of 1.5 inches. This process is termed as casing. It is very essential to spray about 2-3 litres of water per metre cube and the temperature of the room should be 25°C until 10 days of casing. After the 11th day keep the temperature of approx. 14-18°C. also the humidity should be 80% inside the room.
Now after a couple of weeks you can find a tiny particles of mushrooms growing over the surface of casing. After 7 more days it is ready for harvesting. While taking it out from the surface do not forget to refill the blank surface with the casing mud after it is taken out. Also it is very essential to spray fresh water in the surface as well as all over the air at least 3 times a day.
And hence by this way a button mushroom can be produces in a successful way and sold to the markets and stores.